We recently launched a contest asking our tea friends to submit pictures of their cold infusing Steep & Go’s on-the-go. We had so much fun looking at these truly fantastic “action shots” and wanted to share some of our favorite pics with you here. We hope you enjoy!

Put baby Della and baby Ollie together and you have yourself an incredible cold-brew cuppa! Della prefers her Steep & Go’s violet, and Ollie is a big fan of our new Keep Fit Cold Infusions. Or perhaps he prefers chewing on the box? Either way, these babes have great taste!

Lovely Jade with her Steep & Go at her local park.

The Sprowls family! Look at that little cutie pie!

Robert & Katie hitting the trails in Longmont, CO.

“Chilling out on our rooftop patio in Madrid!” Steep & Go made it to Spain with Elise!

Jean says- “Took mine along on my morning walk – beautiful scenery and delicious refreshment is just my cup of tea!”

This photo is from our CEO Maria- “Je vois la vie en rose avec Steep & Go!” C’est vrai!

Elise action shot! At Chautauqua Park in Boulder, CO.

Our favorite Tea Spot pooch, Dushka, kicking back with a Steep & Go at The Tea Spot office.

Grizzly River Run wanted in on the action at Disneyland.

Our Founder & CEO made a new friend abroad. Of course she offered him tea! We just can’t seem to help ourselves!

Bruce says- “Blue Skies, Green Tea, Steep-n-Go = Healthy Living.” We couldn’t agree more! Photo at Waneka Lake Park.