Dry January Drinks: Tea Mocktails & Health Tips

a purple tea mocktail sits beside a box reading mocktail kit with balloons behind it

At The Tea Spot, we understand the significance of taking a break from the usual and embracing a healthier lifestyle, especially as the new year unfolds. That's why we fully support the Dry January movement, a public health initiative that started in 2013 by Alcohol Change UK. This campaign encourages individuals around the globe to abstain from alcohol for the month of January, offering a chance to reset and reflect on their drinking habits. As a company committed to wellness and caring for our community, we believe Dry January is not just about saying no to alcohol; it's a positive step towards mindfulness and self-care. Our selection of Dry January teas and our tea mocktail kit are designed to support and enrich this journey, providing delightful and healthful alternatives to alcohol that align with our ethos of living refreshingly real and energized lives.

Benefits of Dry January:

  • Health Improvement: Participants often report better sleep, more energy, and weight loss. Reducing alcohol intake can also lead to improved liver function and decreased blood pressure.

  • Mental Well-being: Many find a break from drinking alcohol increases mental clarity and reduces anxiety.

  • Financial Savings: Abstaining from alcohol can lead to significant savings, a welcome benefit post-holiday season.

  • Habit Assessment: Dry January offers an opportunity to reflect on drinking patterns and make more mindful choices about alcohol consumption in the future.


Who Might Benefit:

  • Health-Conscious Individuals: Those looking to start the year with a focus on health and wellness.

  • People Considering Their Drinking Habits: Individuals curious about how alcohol affects their lifestyle and well-being. However, if you believe you might have a drinking problem, we strongly encourage you to seek professional advice. Contacting a healthcare provider or a support group can provide you with the necessary guidance.

  • Anyone Seeking a Challenge: Those who enjoy setting and achieving goals.

Need Support? If you're concerned about your drinking habits and think you might need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional. You can also contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for guidance and support. 

Preparing for Dry January:

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Understand why you're participating. Are you aiming for better health, saving money, or just curious to see if you can do it?

  2. Stock Up on Alternatives: Prepare a selection of non-alcoholic beverages, like the Tea Spot's mocktail kit, to satisfy the ritual of having a drink.

  3. Create a Support System: Inform friends and family of your challenge to gain support and possibly encourage others to join.

  4. Plan for Social Situations: Have a strategy for situations where alcohol is present. Bring your non-alcoholic drinks or suggest activities that don't center around drinking.

 a person is writing in a journal about dry january in the grass

Journaling Throughout Dry January:

Journaling during Dry January can be an invaluable ally in your quest for a healthier lifestyle. As you step away from alcohol this month, it's not only about charting a course of abstinence but also about delving into your relationship with alcohol and its impact on your daily life. One effective strategy in this journey is replacing the habit of alcohol consumption with the ritual of tea drinking. As you embrace this shift, journaling can offer profound insights into this transition. Below, you’ll find prompts and ideas designed to help you reflect on this experience, with a particular focus on how integrating tea into your Dry January can transform your habits and perceptions.

Week 1: The Awakening

  • Track Progress: Note the days you've abstained. How do you feel each morning? Compare this to mornings after consuming alcohol.

  • Reflect on Challenges: When did you crave a drink? What triggered it? How did you respond? Perhaps a cup of calming tea like our Lights Out blend helped you through a tough moment.

  • Tea Thoughts: How did different teas affect your mood and cravings? Did a particular blend seem especially satisfying?

  • Celebrate Wins: Write about how you successfully replaced a usual drink with tea. What did you choose and why?

Week 2: Deepening Awareness

  • Track Progress: Observe any changes in your sleep patterns or energy levels. Are you noticing a difference with the absence of alcohol and the introduction of herbal teas?

  • Reflect on Social Dynamics: How did social situations feel without alcohol? Did bringing your own tea blend or tea mocktail help?

  • Mindful Tea Moments: Describe a moment where preparing or sipping tea felt particularly soothing or significant.

  • Celebrate Wins: Celebrate moments of clarity or productivity. Could these be linked to reduced alcohol and increased tea consumption?

Week 3: Overcoming Barriers

  • Track Progress: Are there noticeable changes in your physical or mental well-being? How are different teas influencing your experience?

  • Reflect on Habits: Identify any old habits linked to alcohol that you've now replaced with tea rituals. How does this make you feel?

  • Tea Discoveries: Write about a new tea you tried and how it contributed to your Dry January journey.

  • Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge your perseverance, especially on days when abstaining was a challenge.

Week 4: Embracing Change

  • Track Progress: As you approach the end of Dry January, reflect on the cumulative effects of your alcohol abstinence and increased tea intake.

  • Reflect on New Routines: How have your evening or social routines changed with the inclusion of different teas?

  • Tea Insights: Which teas have become your go-to during this month, and why? What benefits have you noticed?

  • Celebrate Wins: Celebrate your newfound appreciation for tea and how it has enhanced your Dry January experience.

End of Dry January: Reflection and Forward Thinking

  • Overall Reflection: How has this month of abstinence and embracing tea impacted your life? What lessons have you learned about yourself?

  • Tea's Role Moving Forward: How do you see tea fitting into your life post-Dry January? Which teas will you continue to enjoy?

  • Future Goals: Set intentions for how you'll approach alcohol and tea consumption in the coming months.

  • Gratitude: Express gratitude towards yourself for undertaking this journey and to any teas that particularly supported you.

Remember, journaling is a personal experience, so feel free to adapt these prompts to suit your journey. The key is to be honest with yourself and acknowledge every step of your Dry January journey, with tea as a supportive companion.

a tea mocktail sits in front of a box reading mocktail kit
Non Alcoholic Drinks

Making Your Own Mocktails: A Creative and Easy Endeavor

Creating your own mocktails using cold brew tea is not just easy, but also a delightful way to explore unique and delicious flavor combinations. Our cold brew teas serve as an excellent base, offering a smooth and subtle foundation for your non-alcoholic cocktail creations. Whether you're seeking something reminiscent of classic cocktails or an entirely new concoction, the possibilities are endless.

Experimenting with tropical fruits can add a burst of natural sweetness and vibrant flavor to your mocktails. Think of adding freshly squeezed lime juice or citrus zest for a refreshing zing. For those who enjoy a bit of fizz, sparkling water or club soda can transform your drink into a fizzy delight, adding texture without the need for artificial flavors or excess sugar.

If you're looking for a gin alternative, try infusing your cold brew tea with juniper berries and rosemary for a botanical twist. For a non-alcoholic IPA experience, consider adding a hint of hops or citrus notes to your cold brew. Grapefruit soda can also be a great addition for those seeking a tangy, slightly bitter edge to their mocktail.

For those who enjoy spicy notes, consider adding a dash of ginger or a sprinkle of cinnamon to your cold brew concoctions. These spices can elevate the complexity of the drink and offer a warm, inviting aroma.

The beauty of making your own mocktails lies in the freedom to experiment with various cocktail ingredients. You can tailor your drinks to be calorie-free, sugar-conscious, and aligned with your taste preferences. From adding a slice of lime for a simple twist to crafting a more elaborate mocktail with layers of flavors, your homemade creations can be as straightforward or sophisticated as you desire.

Encourage your creativity and have fun mixing and matching ingredients. You might just stumble upon your new favorite non-alcoholic cocktail, perfect for enjoying during Dry January and beyond.

Dry January Drinks with The Tea Spot's Mocktail Kit:

  • Convenience: These mocktails are incredibly easy to prepare. Steep the tea in hot water, then top with cold water, add the Craft Cold Brew Filter, and refrigerate. We often have two or three going in the fridge so we have options to choose from!

  • Variety: The diverse range of flavors caters to different tastes, ensuring that your Dry January is not just about abstaining from alcohol but exploring new and exciting non-alcoholic drinks.

  • Mindfulness: Preparing and enjoying these mocktails can be a mindful practice, aligning well with the intentions of Dry January.

1. Hibiscus Cucumber: This vibrant blend is perfect for those reducing their alcohol intake but still seeking a tantalizing drink. The tart hibiscus pairs beautifully with the cool cucumber, and when topped with sparkling water and muddled mint, it transforms into a refreshing, effervescent mocktail. This beverage is a testament to how non-alcoholic drinks can be just as exciting as their alcoholic counterparts.

2. Strawberry Fields: For a gourmet, non-alcoholic alternative, Strawberry Fields is a standout. The sweet and fruity notes of strawberries create a delightful base. Add a dash of balsamic vinegar and crushed ice, and you have a complex, alcohol-free beverage that rivals any classic cocktail in flavor and sophistication.

3. Boulder Blues: This full-bodied strawberry green tea is a superb choice for those seeking flavorful non-alcoholic beverages. By mixing it with lemonade and garnishing with blueberries, you get a playful, antioxidant-rich refresher, perfect for those mindful of their drinking habits but still looking for a delightful drink.

4. Turmeric Tonic: For those who enjoy the spicy notes of ginger beer, the Turmeric Tonic is ideal. This earthy blend of turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon can be combined with ginger beer and a twist of orange to create a warming and invigorating mocktail, a great non-alcoholic alternative to traditional spicy cocktails.

5. Desert Sage: An herbal infusion that changes color is not only visually stunning but also offers a unique drinking experience. By stirring in honey and garnishing with sage or thyme, then topping with tonic water, this beverage is transformed into an aromatic delight, offering a non-alcoholic experience that is both refreshing and intriguing.

6. Mango Tango: For a tropical, non-alcoholic treat, Mango Tango is unmatched. Topped with coconut water and a splash of lime juice, it brings a beachy vibe right to your glass, proving that non-alcoholic alternatives can be just as fun and flavorful as any boozy drink.

Incorporating these teas into your Dry January regimen is incredibly easy. Simply add the loose leaf tea to a Mason jar, pour boiling water over them, steep, and then top with cold water using the Craft Cold Brew Filter. This method allows for a convenient and straightforward way to prepare a variety of mocktails, making it easy to stick to non-alcoholic options throughout January and beyond. These tea mocktails are a perfect addition to any bar cart, offering more flavor, refreshment, and a delightful twist to your non-alcoholic drink repertoire.

Adaptogenic Drinks

What Are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are natural substances, primarily herbs, that are believed to help the body adapt to stress and exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes. These powerful botanicals have been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Adaptogens work at a molecular level by balancing hormones and physiological responses to stress, thereby optimizing energy levels, mood, and overall health. We have a whole line of adaptogenic teas designed to support your body's stress response throughout the day.

Why Are They Important During Dry January and Throughout the Year?

  • Stress Reduction: One of the key benefits of adaptogens is their ability to help the body manage stress. During Dry January, as one abstains from alcohol, these herbs can provide a natural way to cope with stress and anxiety.

  • Health Support: Adaptogens can support overall health, including immune function and energy levels. This is particularly beneficial during winter months and the post-holiday season when people are seeking to rejuvenate and restore their health.

  • Holistic Well-being: Incorporating adaptogenic drinks into one's routine can contribute to a holistic approach to well-being, which is vital not just during Dry January but throughout the year. These herbs can help in balancing the body and mind, making them a key component of a lifestyle focused on wellness.

Frequently asked questions: 

Q: What can you drink during Dry January?

A: During Dry January, you can enjoy a variety of non-alcoholic beverages such as herbal teas, adaptogenic drinks, fruit-infused waters, mocktails, and non-alcoholic versions of beers, wines, and spirits. Herbal teas, especially those with adaptogens, are a great choice for their health benefits and soothing qualities.

Q: What do people do during Dry January?

A: During Dry January, people focus on avoiding alcoholic beverages. Many replace alcohol with healthier alternatives like herbal teas or mocktails. It's also a time when people often adopt healthier lifestyle choices, such as exercising more, eating healthier foods, and engaging in activities that promote overall well-being. Additionally, some use this time to reflect on their drinking patterns and consider making long-term changes.

Q: How do you not fail in Dry January?

A: To succeed in Dry January:

  • Set Clear Goals: Understand your reasons for participating and remind yourself of them regularly.

  • Find Tasty Alternatives: Stock up on enjoyable non-alcoholic beverages like The Tea Spot’s herbal teas.

  • Get Support: Share your goal with friends and family, or join online communities for support and encouragement.

  • Plan Ahead: Be ready with non-alcoholic drinks for social situations where alcohol is present.

  • Stay Positive: Focus on the benefits you're experiencing, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you face challenges.

  • Keep Busy: Engage in activities that take your mind off alcohol and contribute to your overall well-being.

Q: Can you lose weight doing Dry January?

A: Many people do lose weight during Dry January, as they cut out the calories and sugars found in alcoholic drinks. However, weight loss can also depend on other lifestyle factors like diet and exercise.

Q: What is the best Adaptogen drink?

A: The best adaptogen drink depends on individual needs and preferences. For stress relief, Ashwagandha Chai is highly recommended. For immune support, Flu Fighter or Turmeric Tonic are excellent choices. Personal taste and health goals should guide your choice.

Q: What can I drink instead of wine to relax?

A: Herbal teas, especially those with calming properties like chamomile, lavender, found in our Lights Out blend, are great alternatives to wine for relaxation. Non alcoholic wine is also available for those who enjoy the taste without the alcohol content.

Q: Is Dry January good for mental health?

A: Yes, Dry January can be beneficial for mental health. It can lead to better sleep, increased clarity, reduced anxiety, and a sense of achievement, all of which contribute to improved mental well-being.

Q: What is a relaxing drink to replace alcohol?

A: Herbal teas are excellent for relaxation. Teas with ingredients like chamomile, lavender, valerian root, or The Tea Spot’s Lights Out blend are known for their calming effects and can be a soothing replacement for alcohol.

Q: What happens when you stop drinking for Dry January?

A: When you stop drinking for Dry January, you may initially experience cravings or withdrawal symptoms, but these typically subside. Benefits can include better sleep, more energy, improved skin, weight loss, and a sense of accomplishment.

Q: What happens to your body after Dry January?

A: After Dry January, many people report sustained positive changes such as better hydration, improved liver function, healthier weight, and a reassessment of their relationship with alcohol. Continuing moderate or mindful drinking habits can prolong these benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about your alcohol consumption or any health-related issues, we encourage you to consult with a healthcare professional for proper guidance and support. For additional assistance, call  SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for confidential, free help from public health agencies to find substance use treatment and information.

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