Steep It Loose — LIFESTYLE

Children's tea party

7 Tips on Throwing a Children’s Tea Party

Tea time can be quality time to connect with your kids — all the way from the “tea party” of toddlers through high school, and beyond. Throwing a kids tea party for your little one is a wonderful way to meet them on their level, and it just might spark a lifelong love of tea…

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tea for healthy skin

Tea for Natural Skin Care

Beautiful skin starts from within. The skin is the largest organ in the human body, always in a dynamic state of self-renewal, its cells constantly moving and differentiating. When hydration and antioxidant processes are functioning well on a cellular level, the skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF) is better equipped to help to keep your skin smooth and supple. Let’s examine how hydrating with tea can help mitigate both internal and external skin damage and aging. Although skin undergoes an aging process like any other human organ, lifestyle and genetics play a huge role in how skin looks and works. [1]Bioactive polyphenols...

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fitness teas

Cheers to the Active Tea Drinker!

  According to the CDC, more than half of all Americans meet their Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic physical activity. That means they’re less likely than inactive people to get very sick, or be obese. They are also more likely to be aware of looking to nutrition for improved health, which brings us to the topic of… you guessed it—tea.  Is tea the near–perfect drink for active people? It’s true that more research is needed in this area, but our present state of knowledge suggests that all tea types, from green to black, are an attractive drink for both casual and more...

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Clean Eating - 10 Functional Mushroom Drinks That Will Offer Bigger Benefits Than Your Morning Cup of Coffee

Clean Eating - 10 Functional Mushroom Drinks That Will Offer Bigger Benefits Than Your Morning Cup of Coffee

By Jill Schildhouse Functional mushrooms are having a moment. We rounded up 10 adaptogenic coffees, teas, hot chocolates, and ready-to-drink beverages that should be on your radar. Have you noticed how functional mushrooms are popping up like, well, mushrooms all over grocery stores and health food store aisles lately? They seem to have infiltrated almost every food product, from coffee to snacks — and for good reason. “Functional mushrooms are profoundly beneficial,” says Rachelle Robinett, RH(AHG), a Registered Clinical Herbalist, holistic health practitioner, and founder of Pharmakon Supernatural. “They’re a food, and a medicine, and work in a variety of ways, which...

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