One of our newest customers just shared this photo with me. He emailed to show off how he hooks up great loose leaf tea while camping!
I met him and a bunch of other backpackers interested in brewing loose tea on the trail through a forum on One of the forum members had suggested our Tuffy Steeper – due to its compact, lightweight structure. I added that for people who also enjoy a cuppa joe, the Tuffy can double as a filter for coarse ground coffee beans. And while that does add practicality, being a purist myself, I would buy separate ones for the trail so that residual coffee bean oils wouldn’t taint my tea. Admittedly anal, I’m sure other tea geeks would agree.
Thanks Steve for giving our Tuffy Steeper a shot as your backpacking tea filter and we can’t wait to see more photos of our Tuffy on the trails of Yellowstone. Congrats on your new job there!
As a matter of fact, we’d love to see everyone’s photos of our tea gear in use. Send me your stories and photos,