Trend Watch for DaySpa Magazine
Tea and water infusions are now trending in spa and wellness.
It’s no secret that tea has many health benefits for the skin and body, and healthy teas and infused waters have been a spa staple for some time. Particularly during the pandemic, though, numerous people turned toward self-care and their health with an "inside-out" perspective. Now that consumers better understand the importance of what goes into the body, they’re viewing spa teas and waters differently, especially when it comes to immunity-boosting benefits. We talked with some industry experts to learn what’s trending with these spa drinks for the foreseeable future.

“What’s trending with tea and herbal infusions is everything surrounding self-care, which is ideal for the professional spa community. In tea infusions, we see those teas with strong reputations for antiviral activity, such as specialty green teas, being very popular options. Wild harvested green pu-erh teas are especially sought-after for these characteristics and would be ideal in a spa setting. And, as far as herbals infusions go, sparkling herbals have popped up this year—in particular, those with functional ingredients that can help boost immunity, such as elderberry and echinacea.” – Maria Uspenski, founder and CEO of The Tea Spot