Steep It Loose — STEEPWARE®

Tuffy Steeper

Hey Tuffy Steeper, What’s Your Name?

I think the worst thing about being an unpaid intern is that I don’t get my own desk. Everything is shared, and usually in a state of disarray when I show up. Cracker crumbs on the desk, pencils on the floor, wonky keyboards, various post-it notes scattered around that say things like: “Danielle. Guy from…

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Red Steeping Cup Steeps Red Clover Tea Loose

Red Steeping Cup Steeps Red Clover Tea Loose!

Even with all the love and care we give our products, their packaging and presentation on our website, quite often, when we see our products presented on someone else’s blog, they’re described far more eloquently than we feel able to say ourselves… one such example is yesterday’s post about our Red Steeping Cup from our Steepware line

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These teapots have legs!

As Steepware designer for The Tea Spot, I have the opportunity to create unique and exciting tea steeping vessels of beauty and function. I wake every morning excited about the challenges of the day. We take our mission to make loose leaf tea an everyday luxury very much to heart. On this cloudless, beautiful Colorado…

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Non-automatic Steeping Teapot

Non-Automatic Steeping Teapot

We’ve been working on a design for a non-automatic version of our teapot… less techy, but still making use of the design elements that differentiate the automatic teapot and our Steepware line. I wanted to be able to add a teapot to our line at a lower price point that remains true to our “Modern…

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